Saturday, 16 June 2012

Forgive me Jeffrey, for I have sinned!

So, as  many people know, I developed a slight obsession with Jeffrey Campbell a year or so ago when my eyes first gazed upon his glorious cosmic Litas:

I was going through (and slightly still am) a stage where anything with a hint of astronomy would cause my heart palpitations, made my pupils dilate and turn my sweat into glitter. Ok, perhaps I'm over exaggerating but cosmic print (especially on all things fashion) really did it for me and I vowed to own a pair of Jeffreys in my most coveted print. Alas it was not to be, as when I had the opportunity (and funding) to order a pair, my size had sold out and I had no idea when they would be re-stocked. So as some time passed (and said funding had disappeared *sob*) newer and even more exciting Litas had been created, aka the spike Lita:

They are SO GOOD. 

Anyway, I decided I would save up and treat myself to a pair (or two...) or wait until an occasion arose where I could perhaps ask for some help towards the Jeffrey fund. I mean really, as much as I ADORE all his many different wacky versions of the Lita (some examples pictured below) it is the Lita that I want. I want that chunky-heeled-platform-toed-ankle-boot-laced-up goodness of a shoe and if I at least have the distinctive Lita shape and style I will be very happy.

So, imagine my surprise when I popped into Garage shoes (a shop I rarely visit) a month or so back and found black, pink and American flag printed Litas staring back at me. Well, not Litas- Vectors- but who the hell were they kidding? Someone who has been living under a stone for the past year or so perhaps, as the Lita has blown up major style in that time frame. Even people I talk to who aren't crazy into fashion like me and my fellow fashion students have heard of, or have at least noticed, this distinct style of footwear creeping into high street stores-who have either began stocking them as concession or have straight-up ripped them off. But before I begin some rant about high street stores churning out "catwalk rip-offs" at lightning speed, I am going to own up to a slightly sinful act on my part. When I saw those Vectors staring up at me that day in Garage shoes, I did not let out a disgusted noise of disgust, I did instead shriek with excitement before grabbing the black style and running to the startled shop assistant, thrusting it at her and asking if she had them in a size 8. I know, I let team Jeffrey down. And I have to say, taking a closer look at my recent purchase- they ain't no Jeffreys. The cheap, fake leather body scuffs/ tears if you so much as blow on it and the chunky wooden heel is waaay too light to not be hollow. The tacky metallic lining also adds insult to injury. But hey, I got a bit carried away by the £35 price tag and the overwhelming urgency to add Lita-esque shoes to my wardrobe- I'M SORRY OK! I promise these knock-offs will not spell the end of my Jeffrey lust and, even though that could have been £35 towards the real deal, I'll put more focus into saving for my very own Jeffrey Campbell Vectors-sorry Litas!

Here are the afore mentioned sin shoes:

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