Whilst creeping about the interwebs drooling over my latest girl crush Iggy Azalea, I admired not only her phenomenal curves (her ass is so insane it gives Minaj a run for her money) but also her awesome style. At first I thought, "Hell maybe she dresses herself and is just ridiculously amazing!" but a few google searches later led me to the truth behind her immaculate style. Ladies and Gentleman, I introduce to you Miss Alejandra Hernandez! (pictured top)This LA based up-and-coming stylist graduated from the prestigious Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) in California and not only dresses Iggy Azalea in super mean outfits but also has a few high profile campaigns under her belt with Palladium, Levi's and Puma. Nice!
When asked where she turns for style inspiration when dressing Iggy she replies,
"Dressing Iggy is so much fun because she is truly a visual artist so her and I draw inspiration from anything as random as old Elizabeth Taylor photos to photos from 90′s Versace dinners. Also, I always like to a display a presence through the clothing. I idolize women that are nothing less than boss bitches. So, I love to incorporate pieces that are strong and classic. I’m not into things that “characters” would wear, I want my girls to look powerful not funny."
I've gathered some of my favourite images of her work with Iggy below for you to have a gander at *coughdroolover* and if you care to know more about this stylist I found a pretty sweet little interview with her from an awesome blog (http://ladiesblog.karmaloop.com/index.php/2012/01/chick-of-the-month-alejandra-hernandez/) on karmaloop.com!
These images are from V Magazine and were shot by photographer Bell Soto, who also shot Iggy Azaleas music video for "The Last Song"
These are taken from Complex Magazine
These are taken from the video "My World"- I am in love with the vibrant colours and mixed print and textures used throughout the styling of this video. The overall look is when power dressing meets gangsta swag: which compliments the attitude of the music perfectly in my opinion! Check out the video yourself below.
This last lot of black and white images are taken from Iggy Azaleas music video "The Last Song"
I am so freakin' in love with this video! It's slow rhythm combined with her seductive yet blase attitude that exudes from her movements and beautiful facial expressions puts me in mind of some luxury brands perfume ad. The styling also adds to this atmosphere beautifully with her fur, sparkle and immaculately groomed hair. Here's the video for what I'm waffling on about, so you can gaze at how pretty the whole thing is too!
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